who r we


[image: it is a picture of a polaroid. milo, the cutest boi, with short purple hair and a white “CLN SBR PNX” tanktop, is standing in a cool room, split horizontally half white, half cool shiny blue wall paper. they are facing the right side of the photo, holding a cool leopard print pillow whch their dog pancakes is attacking.]


milo is a white, genderqueer, mentally ill zinester who has been writing self-indulgent bullshit since they were, like, five. they also write about radical mental/emotional health, self-care, poly lyfe, working in the beauty industry, and sobriety. body mods, cutting hair, pups, the ocean, rad politics, dismantling all of the -isms, and sody pop are some of their favorite things. they’re the person-in-charge of distro stuff around here, so send them your zines n art pls. xoxo


emma is a cynical dyke trash girl.  she started dig it a couple years ago just as a small press, but it was too much to handle alone and it seemed kinda immature anyways.  things that mean a lot to her are insurrectionary transfeminism, mutual aid, solidarity as action, destroying whiteness, riding freight trains, hobo culture and purple eyeliner.  she is a recovered addict & alcoholic, and mentally ill with chronic pain; a proper hostile queer.  she has been a literature nerd since she was a wee lass.

[emma has a pretty cute mullet, nice, newly threaded eyebrows, a large septum ring and glasses.  she is wearing a v-neck grey t-shirt and an unzipped black hoodie.  she is sitting on the ground against a grey wall in SF, half-smiling cutely at the camera]


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